It offer to customers a way to return back in retail shops offering new shopping experience:
- It offers wide choice as Internet rivals (it is not limited by available stock)
- It offers reach Internet-like shopping experience
- But it still offers to feel products by having it at hands or test or look at real one
- It extends shopping services by offering to customers different delivery models - at place, at home or at third party location
- It is Internet connected, so customers can be sure they get latest information from Internet
- It offers basic shopping services as follows:
- Browse products
- Filter product list by using wizard like questioner
- Compare products
- View product details
- But as concurrent advantage in comparison with Internet stores, it offers much more as follows:
- It enable cross sell - when customer selects product based on customer preferences
- It offers accessories for selected product
- It offers rich media view for products
- It offers promotions on timely and location basis