Directorix(tm) functionality screenshots
[gallery width="180" height="300" columns="4"] [gallery_item title="Directorix(tm) in waiting mode: when no one uses the system, it shows big banner and map" src="/images/stories/directorix/1.PNG"]Directorix(tm) - Main screen of the system in waiting state[/gallery_item] [gallery_item title="Directorix(tm), category mode: small banners on the top of the screen; list of categories for map objects in the middle and map follows. Note: List of categories is defined by system administrator and each object on map can be linked with one or more category from the list." src="/images/stories/directorix/2.PNG"]Directorix(tm) - Category browse mode[/gallery_item] [gallery_item title="Directorix(tm), in alphabet index mode: one can find object on map by touching the object name first character" src="/images/stories/directorix/3.PNG"]Directorix(tm) - Alphabet index mode[/gallery_item] [gallery_item title="Search by keywords: one can type keyword by using virtual keyboard on all languages the system supports, and system retrieves a list of map objects with the specified keyword" src="/images/stories/directorix/4.PNG"]Directorix(tm) - Search by keywords mode[/gallery_item] [gallery_item title="Special offers mode: system supports special mode called 'special offers' with a list of offers available in the system" src="/images/stories/directorix/5.PNG"]Directorix(tm) - Special offers mode[/gallery_item] [gallery_item title="Map object details page: in case an object on the map is a shop, one can get information about the shop, which usually contains information as follows - shop name, up tp 2 images, a logo, shop description, working hours, contact details" src="/images/stories/directorix/6.PNG"]Directorix(tm) - Object details page[/gallery_item] [gallery_item title="Language selection mode: System supports as many languages as administrator setup" src="/images/stories/directorix/7.PNG"]Directorix(tm) - Language switch mode[/gallery_item] [gallery_item title="How to get there animation: each map object details page contains 'where' button which leads the system to draw dynamically path from the point where kiosk is installed to the object on map, which has been chosen by map touch or from any search functionality" src="/images/stories/directorix/8.PNG"]Directorix(tm) - animated path to an object[/gallery_item] [/gallery]
You can also review a full list of indoor kiosks as well as outdoor models. Some of them are available for immediate installation along with interactive solutions from Traforma Labs.